Soil Mechanics weight-volume relationships

The volume relationships commonly uses for the three phases in soil elements:

The weight relations are moisture content (w) and unit weight (gamma w). Moisture content is also reffered to as water content

w, mc
(unit weight/ moisture content)

w=\frac{W_w}{W_s}\\ \space \\mc=\frac{W_w}{W_s}

Ww = weight of water
Ws = weight of soil solids

unit weight

weight of soil per unit volume


Wt =
Vt =

(dry unit weight)


Vw = volume of water in the voids
Vv = volume of voids

dry unit weight (ɣd)

dry unit weight & soil unit weight and moisture content (w) relationsh

\begin{aligned} \gamma &=\frac{W_s(1+w)}{V} \\ \space \\ \frac{\gamma}{(1+w)}&=\frac{W_s\xcancel{(1+w)}}{V} \\ \space \\ \frac{\gamma}{(1+w)}&=\frac{W_s}{V} \\ \space \\ \frac{\gamma}{(1+w)}&=\gamma_d

Ww = weight of water
Ws = weight of soil solids


porosity commonly expressed relationships


e = void ratio
Vv = volume of voids
Vs = volume of soil solids


weight of soil per unit volume


Wt =
Vt =

(dry density of soil)


ρ = dry density of soil (lb/ft3, slug/ft3)
Ms= mass of soil solids in sample (lb, slug)
V = volume of soil sample (ft3, gal)

unit weight of water (ɣw)

= 62.43 lb/ft3
= 8.35 lb/gal
= .0361 lb/in3
= 1.94 slug/ft3
= .259 slug/gal
= .00112 slug/in3

relationships between: unit weight (ɣ), void ratio (e), moisture content (w), & specific gravity (Gs)

The tip for figuring out problems in this conceptual way, is to make V(soil solids) = 1; and if Vs = 1, Vv = e

(weight of soil solids)


Gs = specific gravity
ɣw = unit weight of water, (62.43 lb/ft3)

(weight of water)

\begin{aligned} W_w&=wG_s\gamma_w \\ &=wW_s\end{aligned}

Gs = specific gravity
ɣw = unit weight of water, (62.43 lb/ft3)
Ws = weight of soil solids

(specific gravity)

specific gravity of solid soils


ɣw = unit weight of water, (62.43 lb/ft3)

volume relationships

(with Vv = e and Vs = 1)



(dry unit weight)

if the soil sample is saturated – that is, the void spaces are completely filled with water – the relationship for saturation unit weight (gamma sat) can be derived in a similar manner:


Vw = volume of water in the voids
Vv = volume of voids

(degree of saturation)

\begin{aligned} \text{\textdegree}\text{S}&=\frac{V_w}{V_v} \\ \space \\ \text{\textdegree}\text{S}&=\frac{wG_s}{e} \\ \space \\ \text{\textdegree}\text{S}e&=wG_s

and with °S = 1… (fully saturated)


unit weight defintion, with Vt = 1+e

void ratio commonly expressed relationships


Vv = volume of voids
Vs = volume of soil solids

dry unight weight, with Vt = 1+e

\begin{aligned}\gamma_d&=\frac{W_s}{V} \\ \space \\\gamma_d&=\frac{G_s\gamma_w}{1+e} \end{aligned}

e = void ratio
Vv = volume of voids
Vs = volume of soil solids

solving for void ratio (e), using unit weight and dry unit weight definitions of Vt = 1+e

void ratio commonly expressed relationships

\begin{aligned} e &=\frac{G_s\gamma_w}{\gamma_d} -1 \\ \space \\e &= \frac{G_s\gamma_w (1+w)}{\gamma}-1\end{aligned}

Vv = volume of voids
Vs = volume of soil solids

dry unight weight, with V = 1 + e

\begin{aligned}\gamma_d&=\frac{W_s}{V} \\ \space \\\gamma_d&=\frac{G_s\gamma_w}{1+e} \end{aligned}

e = void ratio
Vv = volume of voids
Vs = volume of soil solids

relationships among: unit weight, porosity (n), and moisture content (w)

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